Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to Prevent Cybercrime

Internet has become a must needed tool in today's world. Life has become almost impossible without internet. We use internet for almost everything, communicating with friends and family, reading news, watching movie, online banking, online shopping, working remotely , the list goes on and on. The internet has made our life much easier. But at the same time, it has also created a big question on our privacy. Internet has created lots of opportunities for criminals to gain our personal and financial information. We hear every other day, the news about data breaches. Criminals are finding all different ways to hack our personal information.
Here is small list that will help us prevent from cyber crime.

Avoid Scams:
You have probably heard all sorts of scams about how you won the million dollar, or how you can become millionaire in with few hundred dollar. There are all kinds of deals that are really good to be true. You have to be aware all of these messages are Scam. There are criminals somewhere trying to steal your personal information like credit card, Social security number , date of birth etc. Beware of strange gifts. Do you research before throwing any information online. Lastly, when you are in doubt, play it sage.

Securely Dispose of Your Personal Information:
Do you not throw the document that has some personal information in a trash. There are multiple ways to dispose those documents. Common ways are document shredding and electronics recycling. They are very effective ways to dispose some of your sensitive information.

Secure Your Browser: 
Make sure you are using a secure browser. Look for "https" at the beginning of the URL. Avoid using unsecured or public wireless network.

Keep Your Password Private:
It is very important that you create a complex password. When creating a password make sure it consist of at least  one upper case, one lower case, one numeric and one alpha numeric character. Do not use your name or some dictionary word as your password. Make a habit of changing password on a regular basis.

Don't Over Share on Social Media:
Keep your Social Media sharing limited. Watch what you are sharing. Make sure to go through the privacy settings and determine what is good amount of privacy protection. Never Ever post your personal information like Social Security Number, date of birth, other family information in a public place.

The Above mentioned tips will not guarantee that your account will not be hacked but these tips will help safeguard you and your family.

Boreli, S. (2014, January 21). 5 Tips for Keeping Your Personal Information Secure Online. Retrieved from 
Prevent cybercrime For everyone Safety Center Google. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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