Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why do you need Firewall?

Most of us today use Internet, or it would be safe to say every one of us use Internet. Our PC is constantly connected to Internet. Whenever our PC is connected to Internet, we leave our PC in a potential cyber threats such as hackers, key loggers, and Trojans through unpatched security holes.  We also do lots of online shopping, online banking and other financial activities as well. This leaves us to potential target of identity theft and other malicious attacks. So, how do we protect ourselves from all of these cyber threats? How can we shop and bank online without being a targeted by hackers who wants to access our financial and personal information?


A strong firewall will help you prevent all the malwares and Trojans infect your PC. It will stop intruders from accessing your financial and personal information.  A firewall works as a shield between your PC and the cyberworld.  When your PC is connected to the internet, you are constantly sending and receiving information in small units called packets. The firewall helps to filter these packets and blocks any unwanted data.
A built in firewall that comes with your OS (windows XP, or Windows &) will help you alert any suspicious activity, but it only works to block the incoming traffic. When you are shopping online or banking, you are sending information outside. This means you need a strong firewall that protects you from outgoing traffic as well. There are lots of third party firewall in the market that works both- it will tell you about incoming and outgoing traffic.
LAVASOFT (n.d.). What is firewall and Why do you need it? Retrieved from URL: Retrieved on November 6th, 2014.
Anonymous (n.d.) Why you need Firewall. Retrieved from URL: Retrieved on November 6th 2014.

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